The Grind!

December 21, 2023

Okay- I am into the second half of Fractured Moments- my family drama- just pure editing now and should be finished in 3 or 4 days.

Line by line, paragraph by paragraph.

Will gift it to Aleso, off my printer, for her 65th Birthday- a Medicare Moment! The actual publishing will go as follows-

I wait for the Great Molly Friedrich, book agent extraordinaire, to maybe respond to my query. Odds are maybe 1% to land such a famous agent- she is from Long Island. A fellow New Yorker. Fingers crossed.

But if not published through traditional publishing- next step will be Hybrid publishing and then Self-Publishing- I would use BookBaby for that.

The latest Eclectic reference books on my desk for this novel and more: The Vietnam books are loaned from a true war hero and friend, Allen Della. I used his life’s experiences as a model for William Butler’s. Just a small segment, but important to get it right. The Pollan books are research for a different story and prompted by Ms. Friedrich’s admiration for the writer.

Tom Wolfe for writing style, Art of War- just because- and Portable Literature as a fun read for short stories, poetry and essays. All Good.

Merry Christmas to all !!

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